Saturday, June 02, 2007

An Eradicated Past

A new beginning.

I threw away everything in my memory boxes today.


Kidding. I'm too weak to do that.

I just threw away 90% of everything in them.

Looking over the items, I wanted to cry and laugh sardonically at the same time; because suddenly I realise that it's all so fake now.

The Friendships; for what they are now.

And no one's willing to share the memories anymore, it seems. Everyone's moving their own separate way.

So I've decided to throw away 90% of whatever's reminiscent of my past and move on.

As the case in Harmonized's Honourshill (Fictionpress. Go read.); Goodbye, old me.

I'm moving on.
Throw away the memories
Cos no one wants them anymore
Let's just walk along in Life
Our separate Paths.

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