Monday, July 23, 2007

In Retrospect.

That screenname of the beginning of this year; and how apt it is for me now.

In Retrospect, I'm demoralised.

In Retrospect, it's obviously my fault.

In Retrospect, I haven't been putting in enough effort academically.

It's not that I haven't realised my sloppiness before; but I just couldn't find the strength and determination within me to pull up my socks and work harder.

I hope I can do it this time.

I must do it this time.

Dangit, I WILL do it this time.
I, the stupidest and laziest slacker of 07IP06, hereby solemnly vow that I will work harder than I did in the past term, and strive to move up a grade for Higher Chinese, and do MUCH better for both mathematics modules.
I need to improve on speed techniques.

The reason why I failed my E. Math and did miserably for A. Math was because I didn't complete either in time.

The reason why I failed the Higher Chinese main paper was because I didn't manage to complete the last whole comprehension AND summary passage in time.

And I didn't complete my Chemistry paper in time. Or my Physics paper, for that matter.

I'm really thankful that Mr. Han and Miss Khoo didn't fail me for not completing my essays on time. (They merely penalised the lack of a conclusion,)

As for Biology, MI and Language Arts, I did complete the papers on time, but only barely.

I'm NOT intellectually challenged, dangit. I CAN score better than those pathetic D's, C's, and even B's for certain subjects.

I KNOW I can.

With speed, that is.

How exactly does one train one's speed anyway?

Or am I just retarded (in its literal sense and otherwise,)?

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