Thursday, August 16, 2007

Life's A Complete Conundrum

M.I. today was interesting.

Ironically, retarded old me actually understood enough to be interested in Plato's Cave and its relation to The Matrix.

If our perception is a shadow of reality, and it is our job to uncover objective realism; having to need to percept and sense through the process of uncovering objective realism, won't realism be but a shadow of itself?
I love this song; it's so sweet!

If My Edward comes along one day and plays and sings it for me on his guitar (He must be able to play the guitar/piano/violin) I will positively swoon!

Or he can play me Clair de Lune on the piano. Or Nocturne in C sharp minor by Chopin.

Or any classical piece on the violin. 8)

Till he comes, I shall wait.

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