Monday, October 29, 2007

Breathing Life Into A Statue

Reading this has made me realised what a horrible person I've been.
Amid the romance plot of this ficlet, I realised that I'm actually quite as bitchy as the original Adrienne, albeit not as rich or spoilt.
Anyway, I should probably stop whining on my blog.
2) Get A's for biology, chemistry and physics.
3) Maintain or improve on my maths. (Both modules)
4) Improve on my Chinese and Mandrin. (C+ or B if possible)
5) Be a nicer sister, friend and classmate.
6) Pass my ABRSM theory examinations. For this as well as next year. (Merit would be nice. Distinction would be perfect 8D)
7) Pass my ABRSM grade 8 piano examination in 2009. (Ditto)
8) Improve on my stamina and ball-skills. (Please let us be able to form a B-division team next year; I want to play!)
9) Start a band. (I MEAN IT. DRUMMER PLEASE!!!)
10) Stop stuffing myself with junk food and eating whenever I'm bored.
11) Revise Chemistry over the holidays
12) Revise Physics over the holidays
13) Practise M.I. over the holidays
14) Finish reading 'The Crucible' over the holidays
15) Lose 2kg over the holidays (dare I hope?)
[16) Learn to dance! Dancing is so graceful and expressive! (!!!) And passionate and flowy and artistic! Haha.]
But of course, this comes after, and IF AND ONLY IF, I pass my grade 8 piano practical and theory examinations.
Keeping the Dream Alive

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